Why Professional Therapy with Lexercise?
Lexercise is an Orton-Gillingham influenced program (Structured Literacy) that offers a fantastic guarantee of at least one increase in grade level after eight weeks of instruction. It is a multisensory, direct, explicit, structured, and sequential program. It is highly effective, convenient, and one of the most affordable options with a professional dyslexia therapist available anywhere.
Lexercise offers a platform that is quickly responsive to the most recent research. While it's materials can help anyone become a better reader, its images and platform are geared to a younger learner.
Why Brianna?
Brianna Preston is a Certified Dyslexia Specialist who customizes her sessions to the specific needs of your child. Additionally, she will curate daily independent practice and parent-child table-top activities specific to the needs she sees your child has. She is committed to seeing your child gain reading skills in an efficient and timely way.
Students who go through the Lexercise program with Brianna are guaranteed at least one grade level of reading improvement in 8 weeks, or they will receive an additional month of free therapy.